Pharma's Almanac is excited to meet the following companies on our journey to discuss the next big thing in pharma. Thank you for your time and for sharing your valuable knowledge and insights.
BioTC is Oklahoma"s first Biomanufacturing Workforce Training Center enabling access to specialized equipment, simulated environments, and curriculum that trainees require to gain competency in the latest industry processes, practices, and technologies. The Oklahoma City Innovation District created this initiative to offer skills-based Industry Certification courses in biomanufacturing and biopharmaceutical processes with a focus on large-molecule, mammalian and microbial expression systems. BioTC operates a 7200 sq foot training lab equipped with over $8 million dollars of the latest technology in Upstream Cell Culture and Downstream Purification bench scale and pilot/production scale equipment, as well as a fully equipped QC Analytics lab. BioTC’s course offerings are modular and customizable to a partner’s training needs and delivered by Instructors with over 75 years of combined industry experience.
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