Streamlining the Path to Approval with Developability and Pre-Formulation Platforms

Streamlining the Path to Approval with Developability and Pre-Formulation Platforms

Aug 01, 2024PAO-07-24-CL-11

In the evolving biopharma landscape, the drivers of R&D are shifting. The traditional approach, often slow and fraught with risk, is giving way to methodologies that emphasize speed, efficacy, and safety. As the understanding of diseases expands at a molecular level, the industry faces the dual challenge of reducing development timelines and mitigating the risks associated with bringing complex new therapies to market. These pressures are compounded by regulatory demands and the high costs associated with late-stage clinical failures. Addressing these challenges requires advanced and new approaches to drug development that leverage cutting-edge technologies and specialized services to enhance the early stages of development. By supporting clients through developability assessments and preformulation screenings at critical early phases, Coriolis Pharma not only accelerates the development process but also significantly reduces the risks of costly setbacks later in the life cycle. Furthermore, by establishing new platform approaches for both of these critical activities, Coriolis is giving clients more convenient and rapid access to streamlined encapsulations of their scientific expertise, making it easier than ever to engage with a comprehensive service package to proactively manage drug product development to reach the market more rapidly with reduced risk and increased value.  

The Critical Role of Developability Assessments

Comprehensively assessing developability — the properties that predict the ease and likelihood with which a candidate molecule can be developed into a safe, effective, manufacturable, and marketable drug — is pivotal in the early stages of drug development, serving as a cornerstone process that determines the viability of biologic candidates, including monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). These assessments provide a comprehensive evaluation of a candidate's intrinsic characteristics to ensure they are amenable to development, scale-up, and commercialization. By focusing on critical biophysical properties that are predictive for stability and manufacturability, developability assessments help identify potential roadblocks that could impede a drug’s path from laboratory to market.  

Stability is a prime focus during these assessments, as it directly impacts a drug's effectiveness and safety over time. A stable drug maintains its colloidal stability, chemical integrity, and therapeutic potency under various storage conditions, which is crucial for ensuring long-term efficacy and patient safety. Manufacturability addresses the drug’s behavior during production processes, such as the ease of scaling and its compatibility with manufacturing technologies. These properties are scrutinized through rigorous testing of selected biophysical properties to predict how the drug behaves in real-world scenarios, ensuring that any potential issues can be addressed before significant investments are made.  

The impact of these assessments extends beyond merely identifying viable candidates; they are instrumental in streamlining the drug development process. By predicting long-term viability and scalability challenges early, developers can devise strategies to mitigate risks associated with stability and manufacturability. This proactive approach not only reduces the likelihood of late-stage failures but also significantly cuts down on development costs and time. As a result, developability assessments are not just about testing and analysis — they are a strategic tool that guides the decision-making process, ensuring that only the most promising drug candidates are advanced through the costly and time-intensive phases of clinical trials and regulatory approval. Through these assessments, pharmaceutical companies can better allocate their resources, focusing on candidates with the highest potential for success and market impact.  

Advantages of Early Preformulation Screening

Early preformulation screening is an essential step in drug development that focuses on identifying suitable formulation conditions for a drug candidate before it enters more extensive testing phases. This process involves evaluating various combinations of excipients — the inactive substances that serve as the vehicle for a drug — and other parameters to determine the most stable and effective formulation for the active pharmaceutical ingredient. The sophisticated methodologies employed in preformulation screening are both range from high-throughput screening techniques that rapidly assess multiple formulations to advanced analytical methods that detail interactions at the molecular level, complemented by a streamlined data analysis and visualization.  

By testing different excipient combinations and environmental conditions, developers can identify formulations that maintain the drug’s integrity and therapeutic properties under a range of scenarios, including varying temperature and relevant stress conditions for manufacturing. This early identification of a viable formulation strategy significantly reduces the risk of encountering issues during later stages of development, such as clinical trials, where formulation problems can lead to costly delays and potential failure.  

The economic and regulatory benefits of early preformulation screening are substantial. By solidifying a stable and effective drug formulation early on, companies can avoid the high costs associated with revising formulations at later stages. A robust formulation established early in the development process can also expedite regulatory review, as regulators look favorably upon applications backed by thorough and conclusive formulation data. This can lead to faster approvals and a quicker path to market, providing a competitive edge. Moreover, a well-founded formulation enhances patient safety and efficacy outcomes, aligning with regulatory bodies’ increasing emphasis on quality by design (QbD) in pharmaceutical development. Thus, early preformulation screening not only supports financial and regulatory strategies but also aligns with industry-wide goals of enhancing drug safety and effectiveness through meticulous and proactive development practices.    

Risks of Overlooking Early-Stage Assessments

Neglecting early-stage assessments in like developability assessments and preformulation screening can lead to significant and typically avoidable challenges. Numerous case studies across the pharmaceutical industry illustrate how insufficient early testing has resulted in major setbacks, such as Complete Response Letters during the Biologics License Application (BLA) filing process. For example, drugs that appeared promising in early biological assays have faltered during phase II or III clinical trials because issues like poor stability or instability under physiological conditions were not addressed upfront. Similarly, drugs that reached the later stages of development without robust preformulation testing have faced unexpected reactions between the drug and its excipients, leading to degradation or reduced efficacy, necessitating a return to formulation development.  

The financial and operational implications of these oversights are substantial. Development delays not only increase the costs associated with additional testing and reformulation but also extend the time to market, which can have significant competitive and financial repercussions. For biopharmaceutical companies, the cost of drug development can spiral as resources are reallocated to solve problems that could have been identified and mitigated much earlier. Additionally, these late-stage issues can lead to failures in obtaining regulatory approval, further delaying market entry and imposing more costs.  

Moreover, operational challenges arise as teams shift focus from advancing the development pipeline to troubleshooting and resolving formulation or stability issues. This not only impacts the drug in question but can also delay the development of other promising candidates. Furthermore, investor confidence can waver when projects do not progress as anticipated, affecting a company's financial standing and its ability to secure future funding. Therefore, investing in comprehensive early-stage assessments is not merely a technical necessity but a strategic imperative that underpins the successful, cost-effective, and timely development of new pharmaceuticals.  

Market Trends Increasing Demand for Specialized Services

A key driver in the rapid evolution of the pharmaceutical landscape is the surge in the development of biologics and other complex molecules, which present unique challenges compared to traditional small molecule drugs. Biologics, including proteins, antibodies, and nucleic acid-based therapies, require precise conditions for stability and activity due to their complex structures and sensitivities to environmental conditions. The specialized assessment services that evaluate these properties are thus in higher demand, as they are crucial for ensuring the viability and scalability of these therapies.  

Additionally, biopharma companies must navigate a labyrinth of regulatory landscapes that differ not just by country but often by region. Each regulatory body may have specific requirements for drug testing, approval, and post-market surveillance, making it essential for companies to adapt their development strategies accordingly. Specialized service providers that offer expertise in regulatory compliance help streamline this process, ensuring that products meet the necessary criteria for each market efficiently and effectively.  

New technologies, such as high-throughput screening, artificial intelligence models for predictive analytics, and advanced biophysical characterization techniques, are becoming integral to modern drug development. These technologies require specialized knowledge and experience to implement effectively. As a result, pharmaceutical companies increasingly rely on external partners who can provide these cutting-edge services, driving demand for providers who can integrate the latest technological advancements into their service offerings.  

These market drivers underscore a growing dependency on specialized assessment and development services that can handle the intricacies of modern pharmaceuticals. By partnering with service providers who can navigate the complex interplay of scientific, regulatory, and technological factors, companies can enhance their operational efficiency and increase their chances of successful market entries.  

Coriolis Pharma’s Innovative Platform Solutions for mAbs

Coriolis Pharma has strategically positioned itself as a leader in addressing the complexities of modern drug development with its suite of innovative services. Central to these solutions is the new developability assessment platform, which is meticulously designed to evaluate the potential of mAb candidates under conditions of limited material availability. This platform can initiate assessments with minimal sample quantities (even the single-digit milligram range), making it an invaluable tool for early-stage biopharma companies that may not have large quantities of a candidate available. This capability allows for early decision-making, saving time and resources by identifying promising candidates sooner and reducing the likelihood of late-stage failures.  

Complementing this is Coriolis Pharma's systemic preformulation screening platform. This advanced system offers a thorough exploration of formulation possibilities by systematically screening a vast space of excipients and conditions tailored to antibody development. The platform generates comprehensive data that not only informs the formulation process but also enhances the understanding of how different components interact under various conditions. This robust data set is crucial for making informed decisions that align with the drug's quality target product profile (QTPP), ultimately facilitating smoother regulatory submissions and more predictable product performance.  

Moreover, Coriolis Pharma’s recent expansion to establish a U.S. entity demonstrates its commitment to providing localized support while leveraging global expertise. This integration allows U.S.-based clients to benefit from tailored project management and logistical support, aligning seamlessly with Coriolis’s international standards of excellence. The local presence not only enhances communication and service delivery but also provides clients with the assurance of on-the-ground support in navigating the U.S. regulatory environment. This strategic move underscores Coriolis Pharma's dedication to fostering close partnerships with its clients, ensuring they receive both the convenience of local interactions and the advantages of broad, international pharmaceutical expertise.  

Providing Direct Benefits to Customers

Coriolis Pharma’s specialized services translate into significant direct benefits for their clients, fundamentally enhancing the drug development process. A primary advantage is the substantial reduction in time to market. By employing Coriolis’s developability assessments and preformulation screenings at early stages, potential issues are identified and resolved swiftly, preventing costly delays that typically arise from late-stage challenges. This streamlined approach not only accelerates the development timeline but also enables a quicker transition from discovery to clinical trials and ultimately to market launch.  

Risk mitigation is another crucial benefit. Early problem identification through their comprehensive platforms reduces the likelihood of encountering unforeseen issues during critical phases of development and regulatory review. This proactive management of potential risks ensures smoother progression through development milestones and reduces the possibility of failures that could impact the financial and operational aspects of drug projects.  

Coriolis also adopts client-centric approaches that cater to a diverse client base, including burgeoning biotech startups, fully integrated biotech companies, and established pharmaceutical giants. Their flexible and innovative pricing models are designed to accommodate the varying resource availabilities and project scopes of different companies, making cutting-edge pharmaceutical development accessible to all. This flexibility is particularly advantageous for smaller entities that might otherwise struggle to fund extensive early testing phases.  

Looking ahead, the importance of specialized drug development services like those offered by Coriolis Pharma will only grow as the pharmaceutical industry continues to evolve. Innovations in biopharmaceuticals and complex molecular therapies will demand even more sophisticated approaches to development and formulation, making early-stage assessments and screenings more vital than ever.