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Company Info

United BioPharma

United BioPharma

Drug Discovery & Development


United BioPharma (UBP) is a multi-national clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the research, development and manufacture of innovative and biobetter monoclonal antibody therapeutics for the treatment of infectious, cancerous and immunological diseases. With R&D and manufacturing conducted at UBP's headquarters in Hsinchu Industrial Park (Hukou), clinical research centered at the laboratories in Hsinchu Biomedical Park (ZhuBei) and business operations at offices at Taipei 101, UBP is effectively positioned to employ its cutting edge and solid integrated technology platform and utilize its state-of-the-art research and manufacturing facilities to address unmet medical needs in mankind and to improve patient health and quality of life. UBP has its liaison offices in Long Island, New York; a research base for clinical development and regulatory affairs in Shanghai; a clinical laboratory, and pilot as well as commercial scale protein drug GMP manufacturing facilities currently being established in Yangzhou, China. 


United BioPharma