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Academia / Non-Profit


Established in 1845, the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) is an internationally recognised research-led university ranked in the top 1% of universities in the world. With strengths in biomedical engineering, computational and molecular life sciences, it is at the centre of a burgeoning medtech research and innovation hub. Embracing a partnership-driven approach in responding to the global challenges we face, researchers across NUIG's four colleges, 19 schools, and five research institutes are involved in collaborations with over 3,267 international institutions and industry partners in over 114 countries. As host institution for the SFI Centre for Research Training (CRT) in Genomics Data Science, NUIG leads a national initiative which seeks to harness advances in genomics technologies and cutting-edge developments in data science in order to have a transformative impact on science, medicine, society, and the economy, both in Ireland and beyond.

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