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Company Info

eTheRNA Immunotherapies NV

eTheRNA Immunotherapies NV



eTheRNA Immunotherapies NV is developing immunotherapy and vaccine products for the treatment of cancer and infectious disease from its mRNA chemistry, antigen identification, lipid chemistry and delivery and process engineering platforms. The company is headquartered in Belgium and was established in 2013. Its founding shareholders include Progress Pharma and VUB. eTheRNA is supported by an international group of specialized investors; BNP Fortis Private Equity, Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Funds, Everjoy Fortune PTE. LTD, Grand Decade Development Limited, Fund+, LSP, Novalis Lifesciences, Omega Funds, PMV and Ying Zhou Enterprise Management Company Limited who share the Company's ambition to build a world-leading company in the RNA field. To date, the Company has raised €63 million of venture funding. Further details relating to eTheRNA's R&D pipeline can be found at
eTheRNA Immunotherapies NV