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Company Info






DataHow AG is a spin-off company from ETH Zurich specialized in data analytics and process modeling for the process industry with a particular focus on the biopharmaceutical and chemical domains.

We offer digital solutions and consulting for process screening, monitoring, optimization, control and scale-up. Our goal is to reduce the effort, risks and costs in process development and manufacturing as well as to gain deep understanding of the complex processes.

DataHow emerged in 2017 from the research group of Prof. Morbidelli at ETH Zurich based on the activities of Dr. Alessandro Butté, Michael Sokolov and Fabian Feidl.



We have an ambitious vision of the future where big data analytics and digitalization are at the heart of the process excellence in the biotechnological, pharmaceutical and chemical process industry.

The outstanding advantages of these technologies have already been demonstrated in the healthcare, financial and automotive sector. In order to realize this mindset and technological shift in the process industry, it is central to provide customized solutions combining data science, machine learning, process knowledge and business expertise.

With our expertise, services and technology we want to become a leading partner for model-based process development and manufacturing until 2025.



Driven by our key values we want to provide:


Curiousity-driven consulting for small enterprises to large players in the process industry

Close collaboration with our business partners

Clear and comprehensible software solutions for our clients

Customer-oriented solutions based on cutting-edge technology

Creative integration of all information sources and devices into a platform solution

Continuous improvement of our solutions based on continuous learning with our industrial and academic network

