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Company Info

Agilent Technologies, Inc

Agilent Technologies, Inc

CDMO / Technology


Agilent Technologies is specialized in life sciences, diagnostics, and applied chemical markets. It is formed as a spin-off of Hewlett-Packard in 1999. Agilent’s portfolio of products and services provide solutions for discovering, developing, and manufacturing both small molecule pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals. Agilent addresses every stage, from research to quality control and manufacturing, and it has a comprehensive portfolio of sample-to-data solutions that work seamlessly together to provide accurate and reproducible results.

Its products serve a myriad of fields, including laboratories in environmental testing, academic research, medical diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, and food testing. Agilent provides laboratory solutions including Analytical Instruments & Supplies, and Clinical & Diagnostic Testing; and services that include Instrument Services, Oligonucleotide API Manufacturing, and Vacuum Product Services.

Agilent Technologies, Inc