WuXi Biologics Continues to Deliver Record Results

WuXi Biologics Continues to Deliver Record Results

Mar 19, 2019PR-M03-19-NI-052

56.6% Year-on-Year Revenue Growth to RMB2,534.5 Million

Net Profit 249.6% of Same Period Last Year to RMB 630.5 Million

Adjusted Net Profit 173.6% of Same Period Last Year to RMB751.5 Million

Total Backlog Surged 146.2% to US$ 3.6 Billion

Continued to Gain Market Share and Added 57 New Integrated Projects

Total Integrated Projects Increased to 205 Including 13 Late-Phase Projects

Chinese Market Accelerated to 105.7% Growth in H2 2018

WuXiBodyTM Platform Successfully Launched

"Global Dual Sourcing within WuXi Bio" Demonstrated Success

Construction of All New Facilities on Track

Sufficient Capacities to Start any Project in 4 Weeks