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InSysBio, LLC Announces Extension of Collaboration With GSK on Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Modeling in Asthma

InSysBio, LLC Announces Extension of Collaboration With GSK on Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Modeling in Asthma



May 02, 2018PR-M05-18-NI-006
InSysBio LLC—pioneer in Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) modeling and simulation for drug development - announced today further collaboration with GSK one of the world's leading research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare companies to expand the previously developed QSP model of asthma.

The companies together have constructed a complex asthma model which facilitated the investigation of novel medicines and combination therapy scenarios. GSK has chosen InSysBio as a partner to implement a further expansion of the existing model. This will include new targets and clinical trial data to be able simulate more asthma treatment scenarios.

"We chose to work with InSysBio because of their rich experience in QSP modeling and fundamental knowledge in the field. Through this partnership, we hope to continue to improve drug development in asthma," David Fairman, Senior Director Clinical Pharmacology Modelling and Simulation, GSK, Lourdes Cucurull-Sanchez, Manager Target Sciences, GSK.

"We are very pleased that GSK decided to continue work with us. It means InSysBio has shown itself as a partner with significant expertise and strength in QSP," Oleg Demin Jr, Head of Business Development, InSysBio.



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