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Federal Trade Commission Closes Investigation of Roche Holding AG’s Proposed Acquisition of Spark Therapeutics, Inc.

Federal Trade Commission Closes Investigation of Roche Holding AG’s Proposed Acquisition of Spark Therapeutics, Inc.

The Federal Trade Commission

The Federal Trade Commission

Dec 17, 2019PR-M12-19-NI-024

The Federal Trade Commission has closed its investigation into Roche Holding AG’s proposed acquisition of Spark Therapeutics, Inc.

According to a Commission Statement, after an exhaustive, 10-month investigation into whether the merger would lessen potential competition in the U.S. market for hemophilia A therapies, the evidence “did not indicate that Roche would have the incentive to delay or terminate Spark’s developmental effort for its hemophilia A gene therapy, or that the acquisition would affect Roche’s incentives regarding [its hemophilia treatment drug] Hemlibra.”

The Commission vote to close the investigation was 5-0.

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Betsy Lordan
Office of Public Affairs
