Straddling the Missouri with a foot in each Kansas City
It would be easier to do The Road to 50 States if more big cities straddled state lines like Kansas City. The team began Day 29 on the Kansas side and paid a visit to TriRx Pharmaceutical Services in Shawnee. They'd had a damp start to the day but it brightened up for a drive through KCMO, and a visit to the historic City Market, where many visitors were picking up fresh produce and other enticing things on offer in shops and stalls. Adama began enticing quite a crowd by continuing his artwork on the Lamborghini, and the team got to discuss Kansas City and healthcare with a wide variety of new friends. The next state on the agenda was Oklahoma, so they headed back through Kansas and enjoyed more engagement with people at a Tesla charging station in Emporia. They even bumped into a gentleman who had spent over 30 years working at the Shawnee facility they had been at that morning. Their drive through the rest of The Wheat State was embellished by a beautiful sunset, which made for a great end to another great day.