Nice Insight is in the process of compiling primary and secondary data to create a comprehensive report on the dynamic market for sterile injectable drugs, including development, manufacturing, packaging, and commercialization. The report will explore innovations in delivery systems, manufacturing equipment and processes, and automation for sterile injectable drugs, including established products and next-generation and personalized medicines. The report will include a proprietary pricing study providing pricing data for a full range of line items associated with sterile drug manufacturing and packaging.
Jonathan Sismey
Sales Manager
C: +1 845 987 8128
Monroe, NY, USA
Emilee Kudla
Account & Sales Executive
C: +1 301 606 2667
New York, NY, USA
Danielle Alvarez
Associate Scientific Editor
+1 212 366 4455
New York, NY, USA
Over 600 Additional Hours of Data Collection & Analysis